1. What are your business hours?
NewEnglandSurg.com hours of operation are 7 days a week 24 hours a day. If you wish to talk to a live customer service representative their hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday-Friday (EST). After hours and on weekends please use the navigation bar on the home page and click on contact us. Please fill out the form in entirety and a customer service representative will contact you within 24 hours.
2. What medical equipment is covered by my insurance company?
Depending on the insurance company that you subscribe to and the specific policy will determine what medical equipment is covered. Insurance companies have medical criteria (diagnosis) which must be met to qualify for equipment. Most insurance companies have a list of equipment which they will consider for payment but the patient's medical doctor must first prescribe the medical equipment for a particular specific condition to determine whether it will be accepted for payment. Some insurance companies require prior authorization and our customer service department will be glad to assist in this process by gathering information from you and then submitting it to the appropriate insurance company department.
3. How long does it take to get equipment processed through my insurance?
In many cases equipment delivery can be arranged the same day. Our customer service department after receiving your request for medical equipment will gather the necessary information needed to expedite your equipment order. Prescriptions, letters of medical necessity and medical records from your doctor are needed to substantiate medical necessity with your insurance company. You will need to have met their medical criteria. Some insurance companies require prior authorization before equipment can be dispensed and this may take a bit longer. Our customer service department will facilitate this process for you.
4. Will New England Surgical.com work with my insurance company for the purchase or rental of the medical equipment I am requesting?
New England Surgical.com will communicate with your insurance company to attempt to get the items you have selected, accepted and payed. If your insurance company does not accept the items you wish to obtain you may opt to pay for these items with either Visa, Mastercard or Discover credit cards.
5. Do you deliver?
Yes, New England Surgical delivers to Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Connecticut 7 days a week from our fleet of company vehicles. Outside of the above areas, New England Surgical.com will ship by UPS, Fedex or common carrier trucking company in the Continental United States.